apple pressing
In our early days before Dead Horse Cider began, we collected, pressed and provided fresh pressed apple juice. Today, we still offer a home for your abundance of apples in the fall in exchange for cash, juice or to join our Backyard Blend community cider.
Collect the ripe, firm apples directly off your apple tree. All apples must meet our Apple Picking Standards.
Book your pressing and select your drop off location with us through the form below.
If you selected one of our trade programs (Apples For Juice or Apples For Cider) you will be contacted once your juice or hard cider is ready.

apple Pressing Options
apples for cash
You read that right! We will pay you by the pound for your ripe apples. Once we have collected enough, we use your apples and others, to press juice for our Bright Cider and various reserves.
apples for juice
Your apples along with others, will be pressed and bottled into a collective, fresh pressed apple juice. The number of bottles you receive will be based on the weight of apples you provided.
apples for cider
Collect your apples and join our Backyard Blend community cider program. A variety of Manitoba apples are collected, pressed and fermented into the Backyard Blend hard cider.
apple picking standards
We do not accept apples that are found on the ground as they may contain bacteria.
accepted: GOOD APPLES
We accept all varieties of apples! We suggest harvesting ripe, firm apples directly off of the tree for the best possible juice results.
rejected: bad APPLES
We do not accept apples that are overly ripe, split, dirty or bruised. Apples must be clean and free of leaves, twigs, rot, mush or debris.
Apple Pressing Intake Form
Book your apple pressing using the form below.
Once submitted a member of our Apple Pressing team will contact you to confirm drop off time and location.